“Capturing Life,Creating Art”

I have 3 loves in this world
Being a Mom, Photography, & Hobby Lobby.
​ I'm Bailey Blake and I love being a photographer. I know it sounds cheesy, but I do! I started this business in 2015 as a side hustle and by 2016 I graduated from UCO with a bachelor’s in Photographic Arts and never looked back! This is not my hobby it's my life and I love it! I specialized in Weddings and Portraits, I love to work with people and share their stories. I know how important your photos will be to you. They are everything to me.
I am located in the Edmond, OK area, but will travel even internationally. I am opening a Studio in historic downtown Edmond by the end of summer 2022. If you have questions or wish to know about prices and availability, please contact me.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Studio Location: 28 W Hurd Street Edmond, Ok 73003

Why the Name Change?
Like all things with time, change happens.

Stepping into the Future, Celebrating the Past.

Blake is an old family name with a passionate past. My great-great-great grandmother Mary Susan Blake is my inspiration for my business revamp. Born in the late 1800's she was the youngest of 3 older brothers in rural Arkansas. In early 1900s, 17-year-old Mary, was considered old being unmarried, she had recently broken up with her boyfriend and was heartbroken. Living in a small town of 2,000 pickings were slim for a husband, but excitement was coming to the small town. The railroad was going to be built right into the heart of town, opening a new world of opportunities.
Finally, one day the roar of a locomotive echoed through the small town. Many gathered to watch the first train roll in, including Mary's brothers. Mary was still in bed when her brothers came running into the house. They jerked her from bed and demanded she put on her best dress and go to the train platform immediately. A handsome young architect had come to design the new train station and he was single! Reluctantly she went to the platform. Mary locked eyes with the handsome architect, Martin Blake and that was it. They fell madly in love, love at first site, they were inseparable from then on.
They married soon after and had 7 children. It was still a new idea for engaged couples to be in love with each other. As many women married for security, wealth, and to climb the social latter. They were extraordinarily successful as a couple and so in love. All their children were also highly successful in their careers and life with everything being centered around love. The Blake family name become one of love and success. A tradition they wanted passed through the generations.

Center your life around love because the rest is history.
This portrait of Mary was display in our home and I was always drawn to it as a child. It's my first memory I can recall that started my love affair with photography.
Actual picture of the railroad station Martin Blake designed grand opening.